brain entrainment: how sound can change your brain waves
Changing our brain waves frequencies with sound is called Brain Entrainment. By measuring the impact of sound on our brain waves, the frequencies that vibrate inside the brain while we listen to various sounds, scientists can now validate that indeed various sound waves have various impacts on our brain. In this workshop we explore how composers use particular sound frequencies and music to modulate the brain requisiteness in order to affect our moods, inner imagery, and emotions and achieve improved health, well-being, deep sleep, and relaxation.
music as medicine
A lecture-demonstration on how sound was used as a medicine in biblical times by the Hebrews, in ancient India, and in the Ottoman Turkish empire. An analysis of the musical modes of the Mid East and some mention of the Indian ragas as powerful tools of the healers of the past.
A live music demonstration of how these modes modulate our feelings, emotions, and sense of light and darkness. HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE LEVEL
healing and transforming consciousness through sacred sound, music and dance
Experience introspective and ecstatic practices of four ancient spiritual paths: Zen Buddhism, Kabbalistic Judaism, Early Contemplative Christianity, and Sufi-Islam. This unique experiential seminar will journey deep into sacred music chanting, movement, and spiritual mindfulness practices, drawing from the hidden wisdom of the traditions of the East. These practices result in heart-opening, increased compassion, deepening of inner explorations.
These practices have been shown scientifically to impact the structure and function of the brain in ways that enhance memory, cognition, and awareness. These practices also promote healing by lowering stress, anxiety, depression, and anger. We base the activities on Yuval Ron's work with master spiritual teachers of the East and neuroscientists of the West. Through this incredible journey to your inner world, you will have a rare perspective into the worlds of Zen Buddhist masters, mystic Sufi leaders, Kabbalistic Rabbis, leading neuroscientists, and scholars of mysticism of Christianity. COLLEGE LEVEL
soothe uncertainty: sound and breathing meditations
Breathing techniques and chanting meditation practices have been shown to impact the structure and function of the brain in ways that enhance memory, cognition, and awareness. They can also promote healing by lowering depression and anger. Learn tools for breathing and chanting meditation practices from the Ayurvedic medicine tradition of India and 6 healing sounds of qigong.